Restoring The Human Element For An Ever Changing World


Hey Young World Inc. is a non profit 501(c)3 organization which provides impactful support and information to drive positive change. We are committed to inspiring, developing and supporting the dreams and aspirations of the teen and young adult community. Our unique platform also incorporates the family, extended village and the creation of effective partnerships. We understand that it is the collective efforts of our communities and families that shape the minds and future of our young people. We care about what is most human…you.

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HYW Scholars’ Lab

There are students who are excited about learning, and others who find it to be a task. Wherever you fit in on the spectrum, remember you have the power to become who you dream to be. Find it within yourself to commit to become the best version of yourself and reap the rewards. Let us help you reach your destination with our Scholars’ Lab Series.

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Educators Edge

You are amazing! The world continues to change and you are there to educate and prepare a new generation of young people who will reshape the world. Teachers touch lives, develop minds and provide pathways to success. What an awesome responsibility! We are partners in this journey. Let us share resources and information to give you the educator’s edge.

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Support for Communities

We all need help and information. Reach out and tell us what you need. Let us help connect you to resources which can assist and empower you.

HYW: Innovate a Nation

“There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.”
- Victor Hugo

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“Educating the mind without educating

the heart is no education at all.”

— Albert Einstein


Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.