About Scholars’ Lab @

The Scholars’ Lab is a learning and support model designed to increase student performance through the creation of a nurturing resourceful learning space. A scholar’s lab can be established at any day school, after school space or at a student’s home. The project aspires to empower students to seek change and take control of their academic journey. This innovative academic and enrichment support model can be a component that creates a strong partnership to equip students with the tools and mindset necessary to overcome obstacles and create additional pathways for success.

The promotion of students depends on their ability to successfully pass classes. Scholars’ Lab understands the correlation between failed classes and promotional issues ranging from truancy, frustration and lack of motivation. There is minimal academic intervention in the day school model. This lack of intervention and availability of resources exist due to limited class time, tight budgets, overcrowded classrooms and testing preparation constraints. Traditionally, intervention is reserved for three types of student populations; lower grades (K-3) students, English Language Learners (ELL), and special needs students. This narrow safety net does not provide the much needed intervention and academic support for the general student population who may encounter academic challenges, which could eventually derail their overall success. A very slippery slope which can result in higher summer school numbers, holdovers, high school drop outs, low self esteem, disruptive behavior and a disconnection from the school community.

Scholars’ Lab helps students identify any failures and through the use of resources, mentoring, self assessment and the creation of impactful action plan students learn to “flip or increase their grade“. Students acquire skills to monitor and track their own academic journey using the Scholars’ model. This tracking and self-assessment/regulation makes the difference between a student repeating a class or passing successfully. Students are empowered as they establish powerful lifelong skills and positive decision making practices which are transferable for all aspects of their life.

Additionally, this model is available for non failing students with various resources and guidance to assist in elevating their success.

Student Reality Check

It’s simple. You hate school. You hate going to “that“ class. When you’re in class it’s all about the clock. When will it end? You’re not interested in what the teacher is saying, and you feel it is a waste of your time. You sit in the back not really listening, not doing the classwork and raising your hand to participate…NO WAY! Your greatest creativity is finding ways to stay distracted or not to show up at all. The end result is usually failure, and to make matters worse, you may have to take that class again (with the same teacher). Either way, it is a lose/lose situation based solely on emotion.

So, let’s rethink this. I call it the necessary evil. All things that we have to do because it is necessary. I can’t tell you how to turn this into a “feel good” moment. I can help you to change your mindset to turn this into a win/win situation. You like to win? Getting through this class means that you’'ll move to the next level. It also allows you to leave this class behind. How do you do it? Change your focus from the teacher to the content. Whether it is former President Obama or your momma standing at the front of the classroom, the objective remains the same…PASS THE CLASS. If it’s a subject that you struggle with find resources such as tutoring, online resources or a classmate who is really good at that topic. Remember you’re not doing this for the teacher, you are doing this for your own success. Besides there is nothing fun about repeating a class or not being promoted.

You will learn in life that there will be do many situations that you don’t like, and people who you dislike as well. Yet, one thing is for certain, life goes on. I’m not trying to be rude or dismiss how you feel. I just want you to understand that if you take the other path no action, you will watch the world and opportunity pass you by. You will be left with only one choice, “REACTION”. Unfortunately, the reactive state is after the crash and burn. It leaves very little room for rescue or good decision making. That is why today is a great time to learn how to deal with the “I HATE SCHOOL!” mindset. Always remember to stay behind the steering wheel of your life. This will help you to achieve your goals.

Sometimes we can be our own worst enemies. We can talk ourselves our of great opportunity or create excuses to fail. Get your focus. Get good. Get going. Your future depends on it. In the end, it’s your choice. Replace the hate with the positive drive to succeed! You can thank me later.