
Our Vision.

HYW is committed to inspire and invest in the efforts and dreams of our youth community. We accomplish this through self-realization of individual potential, positive social emotional and intellectual development, access to impactful resources and innovative programming.

We provide a caring and nurturing environment, which encourages our youth to soar. An emphasis on service and lifelong learning allows for them to be positioned for success as empowered community minded global citizens in an ever changing world.

Our History.

HYW is a non profit organization created in 1984 by Barbara H. Wilson, and a group of New York City public high school students. By 1985, Ms. Wilson recruited Lou Narciso, a career/technical teacher and Del Sledge, an assistant teacher of broadcast journalism & graphic design, both who worked at GCA High School in Manhattan.

This team of committed individuals worked to establish the organization as a forum for students of all races to exchange ideas, share resources and expel cultural stereotypes. HYW’s programs included junior high and high school retention, technology literacy, publishing, mentoring, college/career readiness, enrichment opportunities and academic support. Additionally, resources and training existed to bridge and nurture positive communication, and respect for senior members of the community. The organization had many supporters over the years; American Express, Discover Card, NYC Department of Education, Eastman Kodak, National Grid, The Amsterdam News, local politicians and countless individual contributors.

About Our Executive Director

Del Sledge

Del Sledge is a Brooklyn-born education strategist, entrepreneur and mother. She received a Bachelors and Masters degree in Education from Cambridge University in Boston. With over thirty-three years of experience in urban education, youth development, after school programming, and community outreach, Ms. Sledge has spent the greater part of her life advocating for holistic youth development. She is committed to positive change in the education landscape for our most forgotten children.

Her visionary spirit and passion for youth development and community building sets the foundation for innovative and inspiring programming. Her goal is to help others develop a positive mindset, resiliency, and strategic positioning for success. Her educational philosophy is rooted in creating pathways for greater exposure, acquisition of real world skills and expanded learning/career opportunities for our urban youth to transform dreams into reality. Through service and community/business collaborations, Ms. Sledge has been able to contribute to the design and implementation of countless programs throughout the community to empower families and youth.

Her passion for education combined with the “human experience” and years of service to the community is driven by her own personal journey. With strong memories of growing up in Brooklyn in a single parent home, she remembers her mother’s hard work and the many adults who took an interest in her development. She recalls their willingness to invest in her success.

“They were my change-makers. Their contributions and guidance was invaluable to my life journey. I am humbled to be a change-maker for a new generation!”

—-Del Sledge