“I first came in contact with HYW many years ago. I was engaged to be married when my fiancé died in a car accident. It was devastating. HYW helped me to get through that very difficult time, and create an action plan for my life. I obtained my college degree and chose a career path. They also took my young sons under their wing, and was a positive force in their development. To this day, we still use their services. It warms my heart and makes me smile knowing how much they helped me and my family.”

— D. Jones

“It was a very dark and scary time in my life. I had no direction as a homeless teen mom. HYW provided me with emotional support and community resources that changed my life and guided me to independence. I am now a pre-school teacher and I am raising a wonderful baby boy! I don’t know how I would have made it through my crisis without the help of HYW.”

— H. D.

“From the first day I came in contact with the organization I felt welcomed, encouraged and inspired. I was given the tools and support to become a better version of myself. My life has improved so much because HYW’s dedication and sincere concern. They did it for me and they can do it for you.”

— TL Brunson

“I contacted HYW because my daughter was completely stressed out during her senior year of high school. She had an overloaded schedule and despite our efforts, we couldn’t get it adjusted. HYW stepped in and advocated for a reasonable schedule change. Thanks to their intervention, my daughter had a successful senior year, and was able to focus on passing her classes and applying to college.“

—K. Sithy

“HYW has supported me with my education and applying for jobs throughout my life. They provided help through resume writing, professional advice and job search. Anytime I was struggling, they connected me with support and resources. The organization has a passion for helping young people achieve their goals. I am better in life because of it.“

— D. M.

“Growing up I had no concrete guidance. I didn’t have a respectable role model that I can rely on to assist me with navigating life. Things got hectic. I felt helpless. I had to rely on myself and try to figure out how to get things done. I was just on my own, from money, to staying out of debt, and learning how to adult, I struggled. I reached out to HYW and received the help I needed. They helped to guide me through my darkest moments. I was at the risk of being homeless, and at times did not have enough food to eat. Overall, I didn’t know where to begin. They brought me on board and created a success plan for me. They believed that a girl like me could have more for herself and future. They reminded me of my worth. Resilience, resources and compassion was poured into me, and led me to be the person I am today. A young woman who has a bright future ahead of her.“

—L. Childs